Jesus Will Come For Us at DeathJesus said to his disciples in today's gospel:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You have faith in God; accept religion likewise in me.  In my Father's house there are many dwelling house places.  If there were not, would I have told y'all that I am going to fix a place for yous?  And if I go and prepare a place for you lot, I will come up back over again and take you to myself, and so that where I am you also may be."

These words are so beautiful!  How can we think of whatever of the other scripture verses in the readings for mass today?  They so completely dominate your heart.

Can you feel Christ's kindness, his gentleness and his compassion in these words?  They are Living Words.  Words of love, and life.

Jesus knows that we are all afraid to die.  Death is the great unknown.  Some people are and then petrified of dying that they avert the subject at all costs, or refuse to come up to a dying person's bedside, because they but tin can not face and take, decease.  But, it is an honor and a privilege to be with another person during the last days or hours of their life.  Love makes the transition into the next life.  Just love lives on.  During the last hours of our life, our possessions, our career, our education or lack of education, and our accomplishments volition not matter.  Who is gathered around our bedside, and those who we loved during our lives will exist the only thing that matters.  Love brought the states into this world and what a beautiful thing it is, when love accompanies us to the cease of our life's journey.

When death comes for united states of america though, we practise not demand to fear it.  So many of our brothers and sisters in Christ have passed this way before us.  If they tin can exercise it, we can too.  And that is the bespeak Jesus is making in today's gospel.  He went earlier his disciples.  Jesus passed through death kickoff and prepared for their arrival.  When information technology was time, he said he would come dorsum for them.

He told his disciples, "I will come back again and take you to myself."  How much more than cute could any words exist that we have e'er read in the scriptures?  "I volition take you to myself."  Possibly Jesus will be waiting for us too, to go into his arms subsequently nosotros die. He will accept the states to himself too, because he loves us merely as much as his disciples of long ago.

There are many dwelling places in his Father'due south house …  perhaps our new home is already being prepared for us too.  Peradventure past our family and friends, those we take loved during our lives?  Information technology's speculation, that'due south true, but those nosotros take loved are already there with Jesus, in our Father's house.

Information technology doesn't sound like heaven is a "one size fits all" either.  What a joy it will exist to see it ane day.  A present as still unwrapped.

When we dice, we will not go through this alone.  Our family and friends are with us during our lives, and they may exist there to greet us on the other side, but our church family will also exist there besides.  Actually, we will never be alone once we go role of God'due south family, and Christ's brother or sis.  This is the dazzler of our religion.  Nosotros travel this journey together, through it all.

Jesus said, "I am the Manner and the Truth and the Life.  No ane comes to the Father except through me."

Do you truly believe this?  Do you hear the vocalisation of truth in Jesus'southward words in the gospel today?  They are Living Words.  Jesus is the doorway into eternal life.  We do not pass this way lonely though.  Our brothers and sisters in Christ have gone earlier usa … and honey will draw united states of america habitation.